The Life of an Olive

Cultural heritage is strong in the Balcan areas, especially when it comes to Olives, Olive oil and its production. The project that entered finals in Auggie Awards 2023 and Laval Virtual 2022, The Life of an Olive showcases the life cycle of an olive through virtual and augmented reality, from a seedling to a bottle of olive oil.

The Life of an Olive

When approached by the City council of Vodnjan, we were tasked to envision an activation which would show the life cycle of an olive.
Olive growing has been an agricultural and monetary staple of this region for hundreds of years, while olive oil made in this region of Croatia regularly wins prizes at international olive oil competitions even in modern times.

In addition to the olives, the main actors of the activation, we also wanted to show the life of an olive grower in past times, before the rise of production technology. In addition to the olives, the main actors of the activation, we also wanted to show the life of an olive grower in past times, before the rise of production technology.

As soon as you start the experience, you are encouraged to clean the patch of soil on which you are going to plant the olive seed. After planting, you are watching your olive tree grow, taking care of it by trimming it. Soon after, the first olives will be ready for pick up; after the olive pickup, you are to take them for the weigh-in. After the weight has been determined, you can go and press your own olive oil.
This is the first all-inclusive olive experience ever made, and we have enjoyed producing it immensely.

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