Schloss Waldenburg experience

A wonderful Schloss Waldenburg, home of the noble Schönburg family simply required a solution "fit for a Prince." So we did just that - we recreated the story around Prince Günther, his home, his family, and their lives in the 19th and 20th centuries. Watch how a combination of augmented reality, holograms and an interactive book pays the hommage to the Schönburg-Waldenburg family history.

Schloss Waldenburg interactive experience

Waldenburg is a small town near Zwickau, in Saxony, Germany, surrounded with rolling green hills and golden fields.
It was also the home of the Schönburg family, members of Saxon nobility, whose family name was first mentioned around 1130 AD.
With Schloss (Castle) Waldenburg being home for Schönburgs from 1378 until 1945, our partners from “Tourismus und Sport GmbH des Landkreises Zwickau” and caretakers of the castle have tasked us to develop an experience “fit for a Prince”.
So we have developed a whole scenario for the experience around a real Prince, Günther Alexander Johann Wilhelm Fürst von Schönburg-Waldenburg.

Presenting his home, his family and their way of life, Prince Günther takes a visitor on the experience through the whole castle. Providing additional historical context in an engaging and modern way, Günther enables the visitor to dive deep into the history of the family and the historical events surrounding it.

As soon as you enter the staircase hall in the castle, you will be greeted by Günthers’ wife Hertha, who welcomes You and invites You to take a tour of the castle with her and her husband.
When you start your tour, augmented reality activated Prince Günther appears in front of you – telling You what you can see around yourself while connecting the dots of the rich family history. Taking you through multiple rooms within the castle while sharing stories and anecdotes, Prince Günther stands as a perfect host.

In order to immerse the visitors even more into the story of the castle and the family, we have also developed three different virtual reality scenarios and embedded them seamlessly into the tour. This way, we have enabled visitors to experience some benefits of castle life first-hand.
Determined to pay homage to the Schönburg-Waldenburg family, we have also developed a projection mapping interactive book with multiple stories; including the animated history of the castle, interactive family tree and deeper insight into the lives of two most prominent family members of Schönburg-Waldenburg, Princes Günther and Otto-Viktor.

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