Hyper-fountain VR

This project aimed to combine contemporary art, modern technology and the brand philosophy of Dornbracht, which is closely tied to the element of water. Through the use of a bucket, garden hose and VR headset, visitors were immersed in an experience that combined water with rich graphical content, achieving synesthesia and presenting a unique perspective on life.

"Is memory data?"

When we were asked by our partners from “Elastique” to try to creatively envision the question “Is memory data?”, we have to admit – we scratched our heads for a little bit.
In the same time, “Dornbracht” research lab envisioned an activation which would be more of an art installation than your average marketing activation.
Since “Dornbracht” is very tied to the element of water, creatives from “Elastique” and our art department have devised a solution that would tie a contemporary art expression, modern technology and “Dornbracht” brand philosophy.

What we have envisioned for this project was very simple in its elegance. Using nothing more than a bucket, a garden hose and a virtual reality headset, we have placed the user into the centre of the experience in which the element of water was presented in a way not seen before.

Upon placing the VR headset on them, visitors would be asked to place their hands under the running water. Achieving synesthesia while combining the element of water with rich graphical content, we strived to show that there is more to life and living than it can be seen with the naked eye.

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